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Promise Me A Rose (A Slight Detail) Lyrics By Anita Bryant

    if you promise me a rose
    i’d go out and buy a pot
    my imagination grows into roses by the plot

    i’ve got roses on my doors
    on my ceiling and my floors
    and if you forget to keep your promise
    for some reason or another you fail

    how can the dreamer
    of such sweet roses
    be bothered by a slight detail

    if you promise me a bird
    one to sing about my chair
    then a dream in me is stirred
    and one bird becomes a pair

    then my room is full of song
    cause the pair becomes a throng
    and if you forget to keep your promise
    for a reason or another you fail

    how can the dreamer
    of such sweet music
    be bothered by a slight detail

    if you even brush my hand
    absent mindedly as this
    just your touch upon my hand
    i can dream into a kiss

    then the kiss begins to soar
    into love forever more
    and tho your little boat has no anchor
    and my little boat has no sail

    how can the dreamer
    on love’s blue ocean
    be bothered by a slight detail
    detail detail

    Artist: Anita Bryant

    Year: 1959

    Decade: 50s

    Language: en

    Word Count: 89