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Dirt Lyrics By Florida Georgia Line

    music video only
    i’ll tell you something 968 was just another year the fields needed tilling and there wasn’t enough rain but it was the first year rosie started bringing my lunch out to the field every day

    you get your hands in it
    plant your roots in it
    dusty headlight dance with your boots in it dirt
    you write her name on it
    spin your tires on it
    build your corn field whiskey bonfires on it dirt
    you bet your life on it yeah
    it’s that

    elm shade red rust clay you grew up on
    that plowed up ground that your dad damned his luck on
    that post game party field you circle up on
    and when it rains you get stuck on
    drift a cloud back behind county roads that you run up
    and mud on her jeans that she peeled off and hung up
    her blueeyed summertime smile looks so good that it hurts
    makes you wanna build a 0 percent down white picket fence house on this dirt

    music video interlude
    rosie and i had five children one died at birth they were tough times tough years did okay

    you’ve mixed some sweat with it
    taking a shovel to it
    you’ve stuck some crosses and some painted
    goal posts through it dirt
    you know you came from it dirt
    and some day you’ll return to

    elm shade red rust clay you grew up on
    that plowed up ground that your dad damned his luck on
    that post game party field you circle up on
    and when it rains you get stuck on
    drift a cloud back behind county roads that you run up
    and mud on her jeans that she peeled off and hung up
    her blueeyed summertime smile looks so good that it hurts
    makes you wanna build a 0 percent down white picket fence house on this dirt

    music video interlude
    i asked rosie one time if she wanted to travel to see the world and no she said the world comes right to my window every day even if it’s broken
    you know you came from it dirt dirt and some day you’ll return to

    elm shade red rust clay you grew up on
    that plowed up ground that your dad damned his luck on
    that post game party field you circle up on
    and when it rains you get stuck on
    drift a cloud back behind county roads that you run up
    and mud on her jeans that she peeled off and hung up
    her blueeyed summertime smile looks so good that it hurts
    makes you wanna build a 0 percent down white picket fence house on this dirt

    makes you wanna build a 0 percent down white picket fence house on this dirt

    music video interlude
    see rosie was right about two things you don’t have to see the world to be worldly just raise good children bake good enough pies and the world will come right to your kitchen window she’s right about something else too i built that baseball diamond way too close to the kitchen

    you know you came from it
    and some day you’ll return to it

    Artist: Florida Georgia Line

    Year: 2014

    Decade: 10s

    Language: en

    Word Count: 284