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Constant Craving Lyrics By K D Lang

    even through the darkest phase
    be it thick or thin
    always someone marches brave
    here beneath my skin

    and constant constant
    craving craving
    has always always
    been been

    maybe a great magnet pulls
    all souls to what’s true
    or maybe it is life itself
    that feeds wisdom to its youth

    constant constant
    craving craving
    has always always
    been been

    ah constant craving
    has always been
    has always been

    constant constant
    craving craving
    has always always
    been been

    constant constant
    craving craving
    has always always
    been been

    ah constant craving
    has always been
    has always been
    has always been
    has always
    always been
    has always
    always been

    Artist: K D Lang

    Year: 1992

    Decade: 90s

    Language: en

    Word Count: 65