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A Girl’s Work Is Never Done Lyrics By The Chordettes

    a girl’s work is never done
    you boys think we are having fun
    mopping and sweeping up the floor
    uh oh the salesmen’s at the door

    never done never done
    a girl’s work is never done

    wash up the windows and the blinds
    aw heck the rain a waste of time
    and now the kids are home from school
    they’re tracking mud from room to room

    you think it’s fun it’s never done
    a girl’s work is never done
    and now my father’s home from work
    with fifteen hundred dirty shirts
    you think he’d help me clean the house
    he says he’s tired and knocked out
    yeah man i’m beat

    while i cook he reads a book
    a girl’s work is never done

    my baby brother’s now in bed
    lullaby and goodnight
    i need an aspririn for my head
    there in the living room pop sleeps
    that means the dog i’ve got to feed

    never done never done
    a girl’s work is never done
    a girl’s work is never done
    a girl’s work is never done
    a girl’s work is never done
    a girl’s work is never done

    Artist: The Chordettes

    Year: 1959

    Decade: 50s

    Language: en

    Word Count: 114